Workshop top tips

  • 1 min read

From wobbly wardrobe doors to saggy chair seats, our workshop volunteers are fabulous at fixing things.  Long time volunteer, Ralph shares some top tips:

  • Use glue and matching sawdust from sanding wood to fill small gaps. It looks better than filler from tubs
  • If the item is broken beyond repair, ask yourself whether its parts can be used to make something new. We’ve repurposed bed slats and table legs into anything from garden planters to mini Christmas trees
  • Bounce around ideas with friends before discarding a piece of furniture. At RFS, joint problem solving often leads to creative solutions
  • When broken furniture needs a replacement part – whether it be a leg, rail or cornice –  measure twice and cut once for the perfect fit
  • Don’t be afraid to stretch your imagination and be prepared to make mistakes. If it was broken at the outset nothing has been lost!