New Trustees and news of retirements

  • 1 min read

April 2021

Richmond Furniture Scheme is delighted to announce the appointment of three new Trustees, Helen Higgins, Helen Pugh and Ryan Richardson.  Between them, they bring decades of commercial, finance, retail, marketing, project and governance experience to the Scheme.  In common with the rest of the board, the new Trustees share a commitment to sustainability and our charity’s priority toward furniture re-use, recycling and reducing reliance on landfill.  Their interests and skills are a great addition to the board.

John Hallet has stepped down as Chair with Jack Stephen taking over the role from 1 April 2021.  John remains on the board to assist with handover (which has been delayed due to Covid) and will retire after the AGM in November.

Annie Hambidge is stepping down as a Trustee.  Annie’s experience in local governance and her knowledge of the community have been tremendous assets to the Scheme.  We wish her well in her retirement and enormous thanks go to Annie for her many years of service to the Board and the Scheme.

Jack Stephen
